| Easy-Cert; Zertifikate, Labelanerkennungen, Produkte
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Operator information Share Link As at:

ID-Number 721705
Name Bitschnau Andreas
Street Panoramastraße 29
Postcode / Place 6781 Bartholomäberg
Country AT

To find out for which standards and which products this company is certified, please select one of the certificates below. If no certificate is displayed, the company is currently not certified for any standard and therefore no product is certified. You can find expired certificates by selecting a date from the past in the field ‘As at:’
Certificates As at:
Number valid until    
2024-1-4047991-260926 31.01.2026 EU Bio Verordnung

T_2024-1-4047991-12733 31.01.2026 EU Bio Verordnung

2023-1-4047991-248107 31.01.2025 EU Bio Verordnung

T_2023-1-4047991-3221 31.01.2025 EU Bio Verordnung


Please note: If several certificates are listed for one standard, the certificate with the more recent date of issuance replaces the older certificate.